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Parent Association

When you enroll your child at Aidan Montessori School, you automatically become a member of the Parent Association.

Aidan parents have contributed their resources, time and talents to the school since it was founded (by parents!) in 1961. The purpose of the Parent Association is to keep the Aidan community healthy and rewarding, and to mobilize parent resources for the support of the school. The Parent Association is led by elected officers.

Officers for 2024-25:

  • Krissy Dingle, Co-Chair
  • Jamie Coss, Co-Chair
  • Shannon Rutngamlug, Community Service Coordinator

The PA organizes fundraising, social, and community activities and coordinates these activities with the school administration. Even before school starts, the PA organizes Room Parents and begins planning for the year. During the school year, the PA coordinates events such as Community Service Drives, the Fall Festival, the Spring Fling, Coffees on the Marriott Lawn, and more. They also work with the school administration to organize Open Houses and Special Persons' Day.

Popsicles In the Park, 2024

Fall Festival, 2023