
At Aidan a Primary class is a joyful, peaceful community of children from 2 and 1/2 to 6 years.

Aidan's full-day program for all Primary children begins at 8:30 AM and ends at 3:00 PM. Aidan has four Primary communities. The classroom environment is carefully designed to meet the needs of students this age, who are described by Dr. Montessori as possessing “absorbent minds.” The teacher acts as a nurturing guide and facilitator. Children are given sequenced lessons designed to increase their skill and independence. Once they have been introduced to the activities and materials, children enjoy choosing their own work.

The Primary program focuses on these areas:

  • Practical Life—activities such as polishing, buttoning and pouring strengthen motor skills and concentration.
  • Sensorial—hands-on materials such as the Pink Tower, Color Boxes and the Sound Cylinders help children refine their senses and classify their world.
  • Mathematics—concrete materials such as the Number Rods and Golden Beads teach about size and length and prepare children for more abstract concepts such as decimals.
  • Language—materials such as the Sandpaper Letters and the Moveable Alphabet lay the foundation for reading and writing. There is an emphasis on communication and children explore all aspects of spoken and written language.
  • Cultural Studies—maps, flags, water and land forms and book bring to life the world’s geography and peoples.
  • Art, Music and Movement—drawing, painting, singing and dance are incorporated into daily classroom activities.
  • Grace and Courtesy—respect and empathy are practiced daily in the Primary community.

Primary children are engaged in a wide variety of work throughout the day. They may practice skills to care for themselves or the classroom or work on writing words or stories. Some children may work together to solve a large equation with manipulative math materials. Others may care for plants by watering or washing the leaves. The Montessori materials, joyfully presented and freely chosen, create a strong foundation for reading, writing, creativity, critical thinking and participation in an active, diverse community. By the time children have completed their time in Primary they have become poised, proud, and compassionate leaders for the younger children. They have learned to think for themselves, approach learning with joy, and self-regulate their emotions for social harmony.

Primary News and Posts

Montessori Moments: May 2024

Check out these May Montessori Moments capturing our Young Children's Community, Primary, and Elementary communities in action.

Montessori Moments: April 2024

April was brimming with activity. We hope you enjoy these photos showcasing our Young Children's Community, Primary, and Elementary children hard at work.

Montessori Moments: March 2024

Check out some Montessori magic featuring photos of our Young Children's Community, Primary, and Elementary students in March.

Primary Program Hours

8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
After School Program:
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Meet Our Primary Faculty

Cecilia Aker

Primary Teacher - Persimmon

Claudia Caihuara

Primary Teacher - Mulberry

Katia Kozhakova

Primary Teacher - Dogwood

Mila Rey

Primary Assistant Teacher - Mulberry

Anastasiia Truskova

Primary Assistant Teacher - Dogwood

Isabella Vaz

Primary Assistant Teacher, Persimmon Class