Nurse Notes: New Year Health Reminders

Nurse Notes: New Year Health Reminders

Welcome back!

I hope that everyone’s holiday break was filled with joy.

As we move into the new year I wanted to touch base with everyone about our school policies around illness. We are deep into the season of sharing germs and catching bugs—I know that this is not news to any of you! If your child is feeling under the weather, please keep them home. This is the single best way to prevent the spread of all illnesses! 

Aidan’s policy is that a child must be free of fever (over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit as per the CDC’s recommendation), vomiting, and/or diarrhea for 24 hours without the assistance of medication before they can return to school. When in doubt, please stay home and help us reduce the spread of illness within our community.

In addition to staying home when sick, proper handwashing, adequate rest, and flu shots are also helpful as we navigate cold and flu season. 

If your child is diagnosed with an illness, please let me know. For some contagious diseases, we send out notices to the class so that parents are on the lookout for signs and symptoms of that particular illness. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out. My email is

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!

Nurse Maddie

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