Lower School Blog: Independence through Work

Lower School Blog: Independence through Work

“Children are as independent as you expect them to be.” - Maria Montessori 

Functional independence, one of the central theories of the Montessori pedagogy, is the ability to care for oneself and one’s surroundings. Intellectual independence occurs when a child is aware of what they like to learn, what their skills are and how they can solve problems on their own. We, the adults, support, encourage, and get out of the way of the child’s call to independence, allowing them to create and discover themselves.       

“A servant does things for a child, while a (parent) should be an educator.” - Maria Montessori

Advocating for your child’s independence at home means offering opportunities for them to take care of their personal needs and to develop concentration. By establishing guidelines, a consistent routine, and having access to the proper materials, your child can experience the greatest amount of freedom. And when you observe your child totally focused with an activity, do not intervene. Instead, sit back and watch what’s attracting their interest. When they are struggling, wait before stepping in to help or take over.

“The child seeks for independence by means of work; an independence of body and mind.” - Maria Montessori

Work, in a Montessori prepared environment like school or in your home as you are currently designing, promotes independence. It allows your child to realize that they are capable of completing a task and creating and exploring on their own. Offer your child this gift - the chance to complete a work cycle in its entirety on their own. Permit them to choose their activity, a place to do it, to finish it at their own pace, repeat it to their heart’s content, and to clean up when they are ready. At this point, they are capable of deciding on their own level of satisfaction and perfection.

As we are facing these challenging times, let’s be positive and embrace the glorious possibilities. Our time at home is such a gift: to be closer to our loved ones and to reconnect with our environment, our home. As we continue to take on our daily tasks while finding a sense of a new routine, let’s remind ourselves that we are doing the best we can.

Let’s enjoy the journey!

Ms. Caihuara

Primary Lead Teacher, Mulberry Class

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