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Turning Up the Heat in April PE
Turning Up the Heat in April PE

by Bryan Librizzi, Director of Discovery & Summer Camps and Physical Education Teacher

We are turning up the heat in Physical Education this month with modified throwing and catching team games for Primary students and classic sport education and physical fitness for the Elementary students.

For Primary, you will see students participating in a variety of modified games that use the skills they developed in the Throwing and Catching units this year. They will have many opportunities to use those skills in game settings that require them to navigate rules, opponents, boundaries, and implements. The games do not have winning or losing as the outcome, but they are competitive and introduce the students to subjective scenarios in which "judgement calls" must be made.

The Elementary students are playing the traditional sports of soccer, baseball, basketball, and hockey. For each sport, they are learning about fields of play, rules, and officiating.

The Elementary students are also learning about physical fitness, specifically ways in which we can determine our personal fitness level and develop habits to maintain or improve upon them. Students have opportunities to learn about, and may choose to participate in, activities from the Presidential Physical Fitness Test and FitnessGram. Please note, if children do choose to participate in an activity we do not record any of their results. We will be looking at the mile run, sit-up, curl up, sit and reach, shuttle run, pacer, bent arm hang, pull up, trunk extension, and modified push activities.