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Preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Dear Parents,

It's officially March: the month that brings you St. Patrick's Day, college basketball madness, the Aidan Galactic Gala, and, of course, parent-teacher conferences!

Conferences provide an opportunity for parents to receive information about their child's performance and progress in school. In order to make the most of your experience, here are some recommendations to help you and your child prepare for conferences on March 21 and 22:

  • Make a list of questions that you have about your child's learning that you would like the teacher to answer.
  • Talk with your child before conferences. Some conferences are designed for both the students and the parent to attend (upper elementary student-led conferences).
  • Ask your child what they think their teacher will say.
  • Ask your child if there is anything they would like you to talk about.
  • Gather any information about your child you would like the teacher to know.

With your questions and topics in hand, you can ensure that your conference will be both productive and constructive.

In addition to your pre-conference prep, consider the following actions during your parent-teacher conference:

  • Take notes.
  • Ask questions about your child's learning as well as social skills.
    • What are my child's strengths and weaknesses?
    • What can we do at home? How can we collaborate?
    • How well does my child get along with others?
  • Share information about your child.

In some cases, your child may be the one leading the conference as is the case with the Upper Elementary students. Placing students in the driver's seat of their parent-teacher conference creates and fosters opportunities for reflection, engagement, and agency. Student-led conferences allow for the students to take ownership of their own education and foster critical skills that will continue to serve them long beyond the classroom. Click the link for an example of student-led conferences:

I hope your upcoming conference with your child's teacher proves to be illuminating and productive. If you have any questions about how best to prepare for parent-teacher conferences, please feel free to reach out.


Andy Hurwitz

Learning Support Specialist