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PE Winter Updates
PE Winter Updates

It's been an exciting few months in PE at Aidan and the chilly weather has kept students moving to combat the cold.

Our Primary students stay warm in PE by playing games that require lots of stopping and starting. The constant movement from games such as Sharks and Minnows and Bandaid Tag keep students on their toes and are beneficial to the development of speed and agility. As the colder months of January and February set in, we will transition inside where students will begin learning the fundamentals of throwing and catching.

Our Elementary classes have been finishing up their Kicking Unit by learning the unique rules of kickball. Using the inside of their feet, students have learned how to find balance between power and accuracy. Students have enjoyed the intricacies of the kickball, which have made PE class challenging, rewarding, and exciting over the last couple of weeks!

If our chilly November and December weather is any indication of things to come, this Winter could be a cold one. Despite the frigid conditions, we will continue to hold Physical Education classes outside as long as the weather and temperature permits. As long as the weather and windchill remain above 25 degrees, then recess for all ages will continue to be outdoors.

In order to ensure that your child gets the most out of their PE and recess experiences, please ensure that they dressed appropriately for the weather; we encourage students to come to school with gloves, something to cover their ears, and a winter coat.

Stay warm and keep moving!

Phillip Katinas