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Aunty Aidan on Expectations & Bed-Making
Aunty Aidan on Expectations & Bed-Making

Dear Aunty Aidan,

How realistic is it for me to require my child to make the bed every morning?

- Duvet Diva

Dear Diva,

No expectation is unrealistic if 1.) it matches your child's abilities; 2.) it is tied to a family value; and 3.) you model the behavior you want. In less than a minute any age child can pull up a simple comforter, place a pillow at the head then arrange all the stuffed animals. Start tomorrow morning by together making all of the beds (yours, theirs, little sister's, the dog's), showing your child how to collaborate on opposite sides. On a weekend morning demonstrate how to start the process by sitting up in bed, pulling up the covers, and smoothing out the bumps before sliding out. Avoid using charts, stickers, praise or threats; if it's not done, either call them back to help you or close the bedroom door and pick another battle for the day.

Aunty Aidan