Event Detail

JEDI Event Series: Courageous Conversations at Home, Part 1
St. Thomas Auditorium (Across the Street from Aidan)

Being the "best parent" you can be for your children day in and day out can be a daunting, seemingly impossible task. The nuances surrounding identity and how to go about engaging children with these concepts can definitely trigger that "fight or flight" response we are all familiar with. However, properly educating and preparing yourself for those precious moments absolutely helps!

On April 10, Aidan's Director for Inclusion & Belonging Julian Denizard and the JEDI Committee will be hosting Leslie Sinsay, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator of Capitol Hill Day School, for a two-part series titled "Courageous Conversations at Home." Through this series, it is our hope to empower you all to confidently serve as capable guides for your children as they navigate learning about race, gender, ethnicity, and all the other facets of identity. Examples of how to address identity with your children, a framework for how to better understand your personal experiences with encountering identity in your life, and an open dialogue about these difficult conversations will all be included in this series!

Join us for an evening of refreshments, connection, and brave conversation with Julian and Leslie at 5:00 pm on April 10! RSVP by hitting the link below.