Board of Trustees

The Aidan Board of Trustees governs the affairs of the School. Board responsibilities include setting the school’s mission, vision, and strategic goals, establishing overall policy, assuring the school’s financial stability and selecting, supporting and assessing the Head of School.

The Head of School is responsible for the oversight of the daily operations of the School and for the implementation of Board policies. The Board accepts accountability for both financial stability and the financial future of the School by engaging in strategic financial planning, overseeing operating budgets, and participating actively in fundraising. Aidan’s Board meets frequently throughout the course of the school year, and its members serve staggered, two-year terms.

The 2024-2025 Board of Trustees

Executive Committee

Zoya Davis


Daniel Widome

Co-Vice President

Danielle Lafhaj

Co-Vice President

Lucy Liu


Board Members at Large

Ex Officio Members

Jamie Rue

Head of School

Aidan Strategic Plan

Read our Strategic Plan.


Board Calendar

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